Monday, September 1, 2014

You Can't Rain On Our Parade

A couple of my friends from work and I planned a fun day for the kids, only to wake up and find out that the weather was going to be awful that day.  Not what we had in mind for our nice little pool day.  We toughed it out though, switched up our plans just a little bit and spent the morning at my friend Lynn's house letting the kids burn some energy outside between the rain sessions.  Then it happened...the clouds cleared and it was perfect pool weather!  Well, we thought.  We got the kids all ready to go, got them to the pool and were informed that we would need to wait 20 more minutes because the lifeguards heard thunder.  Awesome.  6 small children standing around waiting for 20 minutes for the pool to open.  Solution...head on over to the park for a little while.  So after all that we finally got to the pool and then followed it up with Ice Cream because we are awesome like that.  Operation Pool Day...success.

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