Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Blassie Family

The Blassie family had a few things to celebrate this summer.  They had a special little girl turning ONE and a special little boy who was born the month before.  Nope, that wasn't a typo.  Two kids...11 months apart.  They have their work cut out for them.  But you know what, I have all faith that these two will keep it all under control.  Did I mention they are also building a house right now?  Go big or go home.  Oh wait, they can't go home.  Go big or go to your Mom's?   Sorry Rachael, I had to!  I mean let's be honest, if I had two kids under 1 there is nowhere I would rather be than my Mom's house either!  These two crazy kids have a lot to be thankful for as you can tell.  Thanks for letting me capture the first pictures of your new family of four.  Can't wait to watch these kiddos grow!

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