Monday, February 10, 2014

Payton Turns One…like 3 months ago

I'm done making excuses, I'm busy.  And though working on pictures and blogging is one of my favorite past times, it's a total time sucker and has been put on the back burner lately.  Hell, it's not even on the stove most of the time anymore.  Add that to the yucky weather we have been having and the fact that we haven't done anything blog worthy in a month or two…that leaves me silent in the blog world.  But then I realized I never shared Payton's First Birthday Party.  Don't worry, I supplied the pictures to Lori a while back, but I never actually posted them.  And these are definitely worth sharing.  You see Payton's party was less like a first birthday and more like a wedding reception!  It was over the top nice with every little detail taken care of.  Lori and Mike were celebrating a very special little girl and all the obstacles she has overcome.  Payton's first birthday was fit for a princess, and that's just what she is.  Happy Birthday Payton, your Mom and Dad really out did themselves for this party which only means they have to top it every year right?  Here's to many many more years of extravagant birthday parties, now I just pray I will always make the invite list!

 I have to give a shout out to Lori here because I was SUPER impressed she had a camera with her AND she used it.  Now, I'm willing to bet those pictures are still on the camera and have not been printed or used in any fashion BUT the pictures exist nonetheless!

Not sure if I have ever mentioned it here but Bennett is obsessed with petting the heads of babies.  Every time there is a baby he runs over and pets their head.  Quinn happens to have a nice bald head, perfect for petting, so on this particular evening you could find Bennett by her side quite often with his grubby little fingers on her head…sorry Quinn.

 Some of the babies were tired and needed a nap.  There wasn't exactly a great spot for napping in the middle of all the chaos but we did a little improvising.  Snug as a bug in a rug...

And this is a look of a Mom that just threw a stellar birthday party and is ready to celebrate!  Drink it up Lori, you have about 300 days to prepare for her second birthday!

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