Friday, February 15, 2013

Well Played

Bennett's new favorite thing to do is climb, and quite frankly he's really good at it.  He's pretty stealth like in his maneuvering.  You turn your head for two seconds and he's sitting at the kitchen table holding your full cup of water in his shaky little hands.  That'll make you move quickly, believe me.  I got the below sequence of pictures the other day and I thought they were kind of funny.  He starts out all sweet and innocent playing with his truck, and then boom like a lightbulb went off he decides to climb up on the table.  The third picture you can see the "are you talking to me look" as I was telling him to get down, and the 4th picture is him standing on the table with a shit eatin' grin on his face as if to tell me "nice try lady but I'm the king of this castle."  All I have to say is "Well played Bennett, well played.  You pulled this little stunt off in amazing lighting for my pictures so I let you do it…this time".

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