Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Cool Cats

I have a very close group of friends.  Most of the members of our little crew I have been friends with since high school.  I know, crazy right?  I'll try and spare you all the details of our little Soap Opera but in a nutshell I married one of the guys in the group, my friend Kim married one of the guys in the group and then the rest of the group is basically made up of the girls and husbands they brought in from the outside (gasp).  Most of our other guy friends have moved away, probably to escape us honestly,...Except Mr. Riffee.  Mr. Riffee was bold enough to stick around AND bring a girl into our group.  HE HAS GUTS.  I'm sure he was nervous because girls can be vicious (except me I'm nice to everyone), but he went with it and we are so glad he did.  Amanda is perfect for him and she's a perfect addition to our group.  Besides the fact that she constantly reminds us how much younger she is than us, she's a cool cat.  So put two cool cats together and what do you get?  Cool kids!  Well, I guess there is just one cool kid currently but there is one more cookin'!   Owen is going to be a big brother soon so we thought we should document with some pictures. Hope you enjoy, next time they are on the blog little Jude will be the star of the show!

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