Sunday, June 3, 2012

Pool is Open

Memorial Day = Swimming.  End of story.  I can't remember the last Memorial Day weekend that did not involve me in the water in some form or fashion.  This year was no different.  We invaded Grandma and Grandpa's pool…and brought a bunch of people along for the ride.  You'll notice as the pictures go on that our crowd changes a bit…the two stars of the blog (Nolan and Bennett) the only constants!  We even had some kiddos there that somehow managed to escape my camera!  I'll get them next time…now it's like a challenge!

And just for kicks, because I haven't done one in a while, here is a little comparison picture.  This also proves to Chad that YES I do actually re-use some (not all…but some) of Nolan's clothes!!  This might actually be a reason not to re-use them because I'm pretty sure I won't be able to figure out who is who in about 15 years but I would never forget which clothes I bought for each of them…yes?

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