Monday, June 11, 2012

I Like to Move It Move It

Actually that's a lie.  I hate this whole moving thing.  It is absolutely awful.  It's amazing what we have accumulated over our almost 7 years in this house.  It would almost be easier if it just burned down and we had to start over fresh (as long as the kids are out of course).  But I don't see any sparks flying so I guess we're just packing it all up.

This finally arrived and is a new attraction in our driveway…..

Maybe this can give you some indication of how the moving process is going…

Here are my little movers, one helpful…one not so much.  Nolan just keeps dragging stuff out.  His comment with this one was "Dad, how did my 4 wheeler get so small".  Sorry buddy, it's you getting large that is the problem, now put it back in the POD!

Mr. B wanted to have some packing fun too I guess.  He saw me putting everything else into boxes so I guess he decided to put himself in a box as well.  And though I think it would be a lot easier some days to just pack him away with the other boxes something tells me I would miss his cute little smiley face so I promptly took him out of his box and decided to keep him with me.

Good times I tell ya! 
Sarcasm at it's finest.

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