Thursday, October 4, 2012

Wasn't My Idea

Another one of our little buddies is turning ONE!!  This time it is Mr. Connor's turn and with a birthday right around Halloween he will forever get to celebrate with Pumpkins, Leaves and Hay Bales.  None too shabby if you ask me.  He will have a lifetime of awesome birthdays and birthday pictures!  The only real problem is that Connor is sooooo grumpy all the time (note the extreme sarcasm).

And then it happened.  Connor, I will apologize now because in 18 years you will hate this next picture.  I swear this wasn't my idea.  I'm not saying I didn't absolutely love the idea, I'm just saying it started with your dear mother and I was just along for the ride!  
I had a photo shoot right after this one and the guy walked up and said "what is this a toddler version of Magic Mike?"  Who is intrigued now?
(Disclaimer:  Jessie wanted me to let Chad know that she gave me the rights to show this picture on my blog, she knows how he feels about showing baby butts!)

1 comment:

  1. Darci - these are amazing as always! I love them! I will never be able to repay you for all your work! It means so much to us!


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