Saturday, October 6, 2012


Nolan's birthday was officially like two weeks ago so I guess it's about time for me to post some pictures.  Big events really give me anxiety when it comes to blogging so I usually put it off for as long as possible, kind of like the thank you notes I'm still putting off!  Nolan this year requested a Lego party.  While I agreed that it was an excellent theme choice for him as he is completely obsessed with Legos right now, I thought it was a theme that would be oh so perfect for a house party where I could really do fun things with it.  One problem…no house!  He had his heart set on the Lego party though so I obliged and went with it.  I then asked Nolan where he wanted his party and he said "at the same place Henry had his"…a bouncy house place.  Obviously Nolan doesn't need me as his party planner anymore he's got it all figured out!  (he also wants to pick his own Halloween costume this year…we shall see about that one).  So here is my big 4 year old's birthday party, legos and bouncy houses what more could we ask for!


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