Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Annual Hoe Down

Yes you read that right Uncle Eric, I said ANNUAL Hoe Down.  I know you're going around saying things like "IF there is another Hoe Down" and "IF we do this next year".  Nice try my friend, nice try.  There will be future Hoe Downs and you know it.  I know that a lot of the burden falls on the males for this little event and I'm not hiding behind that, but I assure you all of their hard work does not go unnoticed or unappreciated.

So this past weekend was the Hoe Down.  I won't lie we had AWFUL weather.  It pretty much rained from 3:00pm well into the wee hours of the morning, but you know what that did not deter the faithful Hoe Down goers.  We had some fair weather fans, but I'll give them all a pass this year because I'm feeling extra nice today.  I will confess I basically only have pictures of the day festivities because once it started to rain I decided it was time to hang up the camera and focus on other activities that might make me forget that it was raining on my parade!  So I moved on to more adult type activities and there is NO NEED for pictures of that...am I right Stephanie?  And there is CERTAINLY no need for videos of such activities...mkay?  I'll be the first to admit that I had to drink Pedialyte the next  morning in order to gain my composure again, but holy cow was that my best idea ever.  You are all welcome I just saved you from your next hellacious hangover, you can send your thank you notes...to my Mom's house.  Gosh I'm a loser.

Anyway, here are some of my pics from the day.  Inclusive of hair coloring, face painting, hay rides and good times.  Thanks to all who came out, see ya next year ;)

1 comment:

  1. You are welcome for the Pediasure. It's a good thing I have a child who is slightly malnourished, so you were able to hang tougher.


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