Friday, October 26, 2012

Connor's Big Bash

Well today is Connor's actual birthday so it only seems fitting that I blog about his party today.  And what a party it was!  I'm a weeeee bit jealous of Connor's birthday because deep down I've always wanted to throw a big Halloween bash because I feel like there is so much you can do with it.  Well, lucky for me now I just get to attend a party with all the great stuff and I don't actually have to do any of it.  SCORE!  I did not bring my "A Game" as far as photography goes on this particular day because instead I brought an extra child with me!  We were lucky enough to have Ms.Violet for the day while her parents went to a wedding.  I may or may not have given Julia stipulations when I agreed to take Violet for the day.  The stipulation being, I get to pick her costume.  I know I know, sounds harsh but when I have something in my head there is no stopping me.  So before we left I attempted to get some pictures of Popeye and Olive Oil (attempted being the key word in that sentence).  They look thrilled yes?

Once we got to the party Jessie wanted a picture of all the kids in their costumes.  Do you think this is what she had in mind?  Please note that while Yes I have the child on the bench screaming, I also have Captain America there who is actually smiling and looking at the camera.  And let's be honest, every good costume picture has a child screaming in it…can I get an Amen?

After the picture we moved onto the hayride which was a guided tour around the court by Jessie's dad.  Adorable, yep.  Bennett couldn't decide if he wanted to ride or just trail behind, so he did both.

Here are just some pictures of parents giving their kids beer way too young.  Teaching them "responsible drinking" early I guess?  Though I'm not sure Curtis would be the best teacher of that lesson.  

The kids then did a little trick-or-treating that Jessie had set up in the court.  I can't lie I missed all of this activity because I was again ATTEMPTING to get a picture of Popeye and Olive Oil.  You'll see that attempt went about just as well as the first…are we sensing a pattern? (if they only knew this was not going to be our last attempt…hahahahaha)

Then we moved on to the main event, the cake smash.  Even Violet decided she needed in on the action (did I mention we were in charge of her on this fine day…don't tell her Dad).

We finished the party off with a little Bobbing for Apples fun.  The kids thought it was pretty funny, though they weren't so great at actually getting the apples.  I think I saw some little hands finally go in for the grab instead of their mouths.  Resourceful I tell you what!

So like I said, I wasn't exactly on my game with pictures for this party.  But something tells me Jessie will be JUST FINE.  Look at this crew (yes she hired a photographer and a videographer, she's crazy…but at least she admits it).

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