You might be wondering about the name Skipping Rocks. Well, here goes the explanation. Like everything else in my life I constantly question and worry about the the perfect outfit, the perfect picture, the perfect meal (okay, maybe not the perfect meal) and picking this name was no different. Finally I decided to think about my little family and what I want my kids (yes I said kids...surprise I'm having another baby!) to remember and take with them as they grow up. I don't want them to think about their favorite video game system or remember sitting in front of the never ending run of Yo Gabba Gabba. I want them to remember the simple fun things in life. The things that often I rely on my husband to remind me to do as well. Playing outside, being kids and skipping rocks. So there you have it the name was born....Happy Birthday Skipping Rocks!
Summary: Skipping Rocks is a compilation of the Struckmann Family daily activities. Anything from a boring day around the house to an exciting adventure around the world (more likely an exciting adventure around St.Louis)! It may not always be newsworthy to the masses, but they are the moments that make up our family and the moments we will cherish forever.