Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

Chad joined us for Friday Fun Day this past week and we headed off to the pumpkin patch.  Pictures might look similar to last year…just bigger kids.  Although this year we did manage to pick up the Lord family for our little adventure.  I always welcome more photo subjects guests!  It was a pretty chilly day so our pumpkin patch visit was a little short lived, but I'm happy to report both boys loved it!

First stop on the photo tour…creepy scarecrows.  Nolan is terrified of Chuck E. Cheese but these things are okay?  I will NEVER understand his logic.

Then a little hay fight.  Connor was not so sure about the wrong doings of my little rascals.  He'll learn that I will let them do anything for a good picture opportunity.  Bring on the mud puddles.

Next we moved on to the corn boxes.  I mean who doesn't love dipping their toes in some corn kernels... Mr. B certainly did.  I still have yet to determine which scenario is more gross.  Bennett taking his shoes AND socks off in the germ infested mess, Nolan sticking his entire face in the germ infested mess or Connor attempting to eat the germ infested mess!  I have NO IDEA why/how kids get that nasty hand/foot/mouth disease!

A little attempt at some tractor fun…

And then off for a train ride…

And what Pumpkin Patch trip would be complete without an attempt at a family photo…maybe next year!

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