Sunday, November 6, 2011

Ummm I just had the baby

That is the text I received on Wednesday October 26th at 6:02 in the morning from my dear friend Jessie.  My response, simply….Seriously?  You see, Jessie was not due for another 3.5 weeks and I had just seen her the night before at dinner!  So this text was a bit of a shock to me.  The baby coming early was a bit of a shock to everyone to say the least.  Connor's "birth story" definitely takes the cake I'll give him that.  I'll try and give you the cliff notes version: Jessie goes to sleep, Jessie wakes up a few times not feeling great, Jessie calls her mom at 2:00am and asks her to bring her to the hospital (husband is out of town:( ), Mom picks Jessie up and starts to drive to hospital, water breaks in car, Jessie arrives at hospital, 1 hour later baby arrives.  Boom and that's how it's done folks!  If you need birthing tips apparently call Jessie, she doesn't mess around.

Here are some pictures of our newest friend, cute as a button and already has his Mom and Dad wrapped around his little finger.

Mr. Connor, decked out in his baseball cap as he was born just in time to see the Cardinals win the World Series!

Some details from the day.  Don't be fooled they did not have a name picked out for two days.  When I took this picture it was just an "option".  But I'm smart, and I knew all along it was going to be Connor so I just went with it.  I love the picture in the top right corner, Kevin is getting some first time Dad lessons from the nurse who just happens to be Jessie's aunt (convenient right?)! 

Proud Mom and Dad.  It's so fun to me to see first time parents shortly after their children are born.  It's fun to see them and know that they are going to look down at that baby in that little plastic bassinet later that night when all the visitors have gone home and wonder how they got so lucky to get this perfect little human being in their lives.  They are going to go through a cycle of emotions: joy, fear, happiness, fear, elation, fear.  I love watching them and knowing from experience that their lives have forever changed…for the better.   

Connor James welcome to the world.  We are so excited to watch you grow and get to know you.  You have lots of buddies that can't wait to teach you all sorts of bad things!!

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