Thursday, November 24, 2011

Giving Thanks

Recently I have been accused of becoming a "softy".  So I guess this post just falls right in line, and for the record I blame Bennett.  I've been seeing all of these posts on Facebook, like 30 days of thankfulness where you post something you are thankful for everyday.  A post? Everyday? That's just insane!  So I decided to wrap mine up in one quick post.  These are just a few of the many things I am thankful for in my life (I've included notes in case you don't understand my pictures).  Happy Thanksgiving!

1.  I am thankful for being able to take vacations (and for this particular picture I am thankful for my brother who actually got a picture of my little family of 4 on vacation!).

2.  I am thankful to have two handy men in my house that take on projects head on.

3.  I am thankful that people let me capture moments like this with my camera.

4.  I am thankful that Nolan and Bennett are already surrounded by awesome friends in their lives.

5.  I am thankful for the three boys in my life that keep it fun and interesting.

6.  I am thankful for in-laws that I actually like and enjoy spending time with, I know I am lucky (and i'm not just writing this because they read the blog, although it is an added bonus).

7.  I am thankful for this new bundle of joy in my life that looks at me like I am the best thing on the planet.

8.  I am thankful for the grandparents in my children's life that would do anything for them.

9.  I am thankful for kids books (particularly Dr. Seuss) and the fact that Nolan loves to read them with me…a trait I hope is passed on to his brother as well.

10.  I am thankful for Nolan and Bennett's cousins who teach them awful things and amazing things all at the same time.  And I am thankful they are about to get another cousin soon!

11.  I am thankful for a husband that wrestles with Nolan every night before he goes to bed, and a husband that I catch sneaking into the baby's room at night to hold him just because (maybe because that's when he's quiet).

12.  I am thankful for a second child that seems to like getting his picture taken a little more than the first.

13.  I am thankful I am no longer pregnant and can enjoy that beautiful adult beverage.

14.  I am thankful for a group of friends that treat each other like family…a good family.

15.  I am thankful for superheroes that occupy the majority of my three year olds day…happily.

16.  I am thankful for the bond I can already see forming between Nolan and Bennett, and the fact that you can see it in their eyes that they adore each other.

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