Monday, November 14, 2011

Did you hear that?

I sure did, reality knocking at my door bright and early this morning.  Today was my first day back at work and I can't lie it wasn't awful.  I was TOTALLY dreading it (notice the all CAPS).  There may have even been a few tears shed on Sunday night but once I got to my lovely cubical it was like I had never left.  No really, there was still a full cup of water that I had left there 3 months prior and I'm pretty sure some crumbs on the floor that were a result of a pregnancy candy intake.  I think the worst part of my return was putting heels back on my feet, I have fresh blisters to prove that I haven't worn them in approximately 6 months and now I remember why.    

Bennett did go to the sitter for the first time today.  It's Nolan's sitter too so it really wasn't that big of a deal as we have been using her for 3 years now.  Bennett did just fine, and he was ALL smiles when I showed up to get him.  The kid loves me…the feeling is mutual.  Here is Bennett after his first day in the big boy world….

That's really all I have to say tonight, just looking for a little pity really.  The real sufferer of this return to work fiasco I'm afraid will probably be poor old "Skipping Rocks".  If you see a dramatic downturn in you know why.  I'm working for the man until I can make this blog lucrative….soooo indefinitely I guess.

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