Monday, November 14, 2011

Halloween Hoopla

The Halloween fun continues.  Our Halloween this year was anything but boring.  On Halloween night our block had a "Block Party" that just happened to land in our backyard.  We had games and crafts for the kiddos, and food and boooooze for the adults (see that clever play on words?).  It's a really fun tradition with our neighbors, and the kids had a blast.  Nolan was obsessed with anyone that was remotely related to a superhero and he was also obsessed with his "girlfriend" (his words, not mine) Mia.  Good times, can't wait until next Halloween.  I already have Bennett's next costume planned out.  Nolan on the other hand I believe will be out of my control completely next year and will probably end up with some gross scary costume.  Boo.

Here are some pictures from the Block Party..

And finally a few pictures of Nolan hitting the pavement, gathering his goods….(In case you were wondering bottom left is a picture of Nolan's Superman pose, hands on the hip shouting up up and away!)

In case you missed it in the collage above I just wanted to point out this picture. That's right… a picture...with both my boys. Can you believe it?  I sure can't!

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