Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Well the other day I divulged Bennett's latest trick, but I didn't have any footage to prove it.  Last night I was able to catch a little action shot of this amazing stunt.  He went from his back to his front and then screamed for a while until I flipped him back over.  He's pretty good at getting to his stomach, he still hasn't mastered getting back over.  Sometimes I make him figure it out, sometimes I cave and flip him myself.  What can I say, I don't like seeing my baby in distress!

And here is his "did you catch that mom" look.  He's pretty proud of himself.  In case you were wondering Nolan can roll as well.  I was making such a big deal about Bennett rolling over that Nolan was sure to demonstrate that he too could roll over.  Amazing.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Bennett,
    Merry Christmas!
    Sincerely, your favorite (ha!) person



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