Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Happiest Place in…Missouri?

So we didn't exactly go to Disney World, but we did go to Branson!!!  A few weeks ago we decided to take a spur of the moment trip to Branson.  A nice little 4 day get away with the boys before I had to head back to work.  I know Branson has the stereotype of being for the older generation but I can't lie folks, I love it.  There is so much to do there, and everything is so family friendly you just can't go wrong.  We spent two days at Silver Dollar City and I still don't think we saw half of the place.  Nolan loved the rides, Chad loved the apple dumplings, Bennett loved the christmas lights and I loved reminiscing from the days I used to go their as a child.  All in all, A+ in my book.

Meet our tour guide…

First things first.  We got there and Nolan was all excited about this Santa, he wanted his picture taken.  Great!  This large cement Santa may be as close as we get to seeing Santa Claus this year my friends.  More on that topic to come in later posts.  The train was pretty cool.  We actually waited to ride it until it was dark and we got to see all of Silver Dollar City in it's lit up glory.  The train stopped at one point at a "grandpa's" front porch so he could tell us the true meaning of Christmas.  Cute right?  Not if your kid thinks the Grandpa looks like Santa Claus and is deathly afraid of Santa Claus…awesome.

Here is Nolan enjoying all of the rides.  I have to point out a few things.  Take a gander at the picture of Chad in the elephant.  You see that tiny little hand sticking up…that's Nolan waving to his mama.  Love it. Now take a look at the picture of me and Nolan in the elephant…is that Nolan genuinely smiling with me in the picture.  I think it is, I think it is.

Then there is my favorite, I remember it from when I was a kid.  It's like a huge tree house for kids.  Things to climb on, jump around in, slide down…Nolan was in heaven.

No trip to Silver Dollar City would be complete without a picture in the jail.  We almost didn't get this picture because there is a mannequin in the jail cell that snores and Nolan freaked out.  Finally he ran in, I snapped a picture and he was out.  Now the gingerbread people…he could have played in those for hours. Because people made out of food aren't creepy at all I guess?

My brother and Sister in Law live in Springfield so they came down for the afternoon and met up with us at Branson Landing.  It's a cute little street with shops, restaurants and…another Santa.  This time it was a real life Santa and we were trying to explain to Nolan that he's going to have to talk to Santa at some point if he wants him to bring him a present for Christmas.  I thought it was starting to sink in.  As we passed Santa's house from across the street mind you Nolan shouts out in all of his glory "I WANT A TRANSFORMER".  That totally counts, right?

So I might have a weird quirk about me.  I LOVE light up stuff.  We're talking glow necklaces, spinning wands, swords…as long as it's dark and it lights up I'm game.  Yes, I'm that total sucker at Sesame Street Live with the $15 Light Up Sword.  Not because my child begged me, but because I walked him over there and forced it upon him.  Sick I know.  Anyway, there was a lighting of the tree parade while we were at Silver Dollar City.  That meant we were there at night time so we needed something that lit up, duh. I told Chad to take Nolan over to the stand and let him pick out whatever he wanted.  I can see Nolan checking it all out and Chad looks at me and says what did you think he was going to pick?  Well the most obnoxious gun there was that's what!  It was awesome…this thing had a laser, it made sounds, it had a spinning thing on the back, it moved like a machine gun.  Can you ask for more?  Best $8 every spent, he hasn't put it down since.

Oh the magic of Christmas.  This was obviously the first time Bennett had seen Christmas Lights, and he was absolutely mesmerized by them.  It was so fun to look at his eyes sparkle as the lights flickered on and off to the music.  It was cold, and I'm sure he was tired but he looked at those lights in amazement and it was awesome.

While we were there we stayed at a place with a "water park."  Would I consider this a water park, um no.  But they had some splashy stuff and a water slide and my 3 year old was happy so I was happy too. Nolan loved going down the slide with Dad, even though it was clearly against the rules to go down two at a time.  Rules were made to be broken…we are such rebels.  Nolan couldn't get back up to the top fast enough, his actual words from the picture on the right are "Come on Dad, you're wasting time."  

So that was our trip to Branson.  Good times had by all.  We will most definitely be going back when both the boys can enjoy it even more.  I know I can convince Chad with the slight mention of another apple dumpling!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Takhomasak? Don't mind if we do!

I'm here to document Bennett's first Thanksgiving.  It was a little "non-conventional" I would say, but rather enjoyable.  My mom had to work so we decided we would surprise her and bring lunch to her at the hospital.  Those of you that know me well enough know that I'm not exactly a "chef" so I leaned on my good old friend Steak N Shake for some help.  So here it is in all it's glory…our Thanksgiving Feast!  (Mom please note the Thanksgiving bib that I did not forget to put on could I after you reminded me 12 times?).

I may or may not have pulled the whole "I know you're going to be mad, but I want to take their picture before we leave" bit as we were walking out the door (late as usual) for our Thanksgiving Feast with Chad's side of the family.  Chad sucked it up and humored me, we went on the porch snapped about 5 pictures, crossed our fingers that one would be okay and off we went.

Bennett did "okay" at his first big family holiday gathering.  He doesn't so much "love" a big crowd, but as long as Mom or Dad were holding him he was good to go…can you say spoiled?  I like to think he is just a natural leader, knows what he wants and how to get it.  Just you wait….Bennett for President in 2065.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Giving Thanks

Recently I have been accused of becoming a "softy".  So I guess this post just falls right in line, and for the record I blame Bennett.  I've been seeing all of these posts on Facebook, like 30 days of thankfulness where you post something you are thankful for everyday.  A post? Everyday? That's just insane!  So I decided to wrap mine up in one quick post.  These are just a few of the many things I am thankful for in my life (I've included notes in case you don't understand my pictures).  Happy Thanksgiving!

1.  I am thankful for being able to take vacations (and for this particular picture I am thankful for my brother who actually got a picture of my little family of 4 on vacation!).

2.  I am thankful to have two handy men in my house that take on projects head on.

3.  I am thankful that people let me capture moments like this with my camera.

4.  I am thankful that Nolan and Bennett are already surrounded by awesome friends in their lives.

5.  I am thankful for the three boys in my life that keep it fun and interesting.

6.  I am thankful for in-laws that I actually like and enjoy spending time with, I know I am lucky (and i'm not just writing this because they read the blog, although it is an added bonus).

7.  I am thankful for this new bundle of joy in my life that looks at me like I am the best thing on the planet.

8.  I am thankful for the grandparents in my children's life that would do anything for them.

9.  I am thankful for kids books (particularly Dr. Seuss) and the fact that Nolan loves to read them with me…a trait I hope is passed on to his brother as well.

10.  I am thankful for Nolan and Bennett's cousins who teach them awful things and amazing things all at the same time.  And I am thankful they are about to get another cousin soon!

11.  I am thankful for a husband that wrestles with Nolan every night before he goes to bed, and a husband that I catch sneaking into the baby's room at night to hold him just because (maybe because that's when he's quiet).

12.  I am thankful for a second child that seems to like getting his picture taken a little more than the first.

13.  I am thankful I am no longer pregnant and can enjoy that beautiful adult beverage.

14.  I am thankful for a group of friends that treat each other like family…a good family.

15.  I am thankful for superheroes that occupy the majority of my three year olds day…happily.

16.  I am thankful for the bond I can already see forming between Nolan and Bennett, and the fact that you can see it in their eyes that they adore each other.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


1.  The Fear Of Missing Out
2.  To believe if you do not attend an event you will miss out on something fabulous
3.  Used in a sentence: Even though I have no interest in the movie Breaking Dawn (or any vampire movie for that matter), I must go see it because I have a severe case of F.O.M.O.

So I admit it, I went and saw Breaking Dawn.  I've yet to read one of the Twilight books and I was definitely that annoying girl sitting in the theater asking question after question (what's his name? are they related? what is imprinting? is that werewolf seriously talking?)  But I have a disease called F.O.M.O. that makes me do crazy things like this.  In my defense there was also shopping and dinner involved in this excursion…admit it you all would have gone too.  Another allure of this little adventure was the fact that we went to a fancy schmancy theater where you get your own heated recliner, a waitress, full menu and drum roll please….alcohol.  I can not lie the experience was awesome, the movie itself...not so much.

So here we are.  I told everyone to look excited.  Why do I look like the only one that listened to me?  And THEY are actually fans.  The next two pictures are me embracing the experience.  When in Rome, right?

Monday, November 21, 2011

Talky Talkerson

Oh Bennett Bennett Bennett.  He's a special little boy that's for sure.  In between spitting up and screaming this past weekend I snagged a quick video of Bennett "talking".  I swear this kid is either EXTREMELY happy or EXTREMELY mad, there is no in between.  Thankfully he's happy more than he is mad and when he's happy it makes it really easy to forget that 2 seconds prior I wanted to gouge my eyes out with a pencil due to the screaming. 

I'll apologize for the crappy video quality now, I'm a photographer not a videographer.  I mean I used my cell phone for goodness sakes!  Sometimes it's just about capturing the moments, not the quality folks (can you tell I'm trying to convince myself of this?). 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

A Lesson in Sharing

The other night Nolan was in an exceptionally good mood and he was playing happily with his cars, gleefully zooming all around the kitchen.  I thought it might be a good opportunity for a nonchalant life lesson in sharing.  Here's how it went down...

Me:  Looks like you're having fun with all your cars, do you think someday Bennett will want to play cars with you?

Nolan:  I think he will, that would be fun.

Me:  You'll have to share your cars with him when he gets a little bit older, don't you think?

Nolan:  Sure I will (curiously looking at the cars in his hand)...he can have the pink one.

Nolan has no problem sharing his toys, as long as it's a toy he doesn't want.  Example:  if we play guys I always get the guy without a head or with a broken limb.  I'm thinking this same sharing tactic is going to flow down to baby brother.  Bennett will forever be plagued with broken guys and pink cars.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Well the other day I divulged Bennett's latest trick, but I didn't have any footage to prove it.  Last night I was able to catch a little action shot of this amazing stunt.  He went from his back to his front and then screamed for a while until I flipped him back over.  He's pretty good at getting to his stomach, he still hasn't mastered getting back over.  Sometimes I make him figure it out, sometimes I cave and flip him myself.  What can I say, I don't like seeing my baby in distress!

And here is his "did you catch that mom" look.  He's pretty proud of himself.  In case you were wondering Nolan can roll as well.  I was making such a big deal about Bennett rolling over that Nolan was sure to demonstrate that he too could roll over.  Amazing.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Did you hear that?

I sure did, reality knocking at my door bright and early this morning.  Today was my first day back at work and I can't lie it wasn't awful.  I was TOTALLY dreading it (notice the all CAPS).  There may have even been a few tears shed on Sunday night but once I got to my lovely cubical it was like I had never left.  No really, there was still a full cup of water that I had left there 3 months prior and I'm pretty sure some crumbs on the floor that were a result of a pregnancy candy intake.  I think the worst part of my return was putting heels back on my feet, I have fresh blisters to prove that I haven't worn them in approximately 6 months and now I remember why.    

Bennett did go to the sitter for the first time today.  It's Nolan's sitter too so it really wasn't that big of a deal as we have been using her for 3 years now.  Bennett did just fine, and he was ALL smiles when I showed up to get him.  The kid loves me…the feeling is mutual.  Here is Bennett after his first day in the big boy world….

That's really all I have to say tonight, just looking for a little pity really.  The real sufferer of this return to work fiasco I'm afraid will probably be poor old "Skipping Rocks".  If you see a dramatic downturn in you know why.  I'm working for the man until I can make this blog lucrative….soooo indefinitely I guess.

Halloween Hoopla

The Halloween fun continues.  Our Halloween this year was anything but boring.  On Halloween night our block had a "Block Party" that just happened to land in our backyard.  We had games and crafts for the kiddos, and food and boooooze for the adults (see that clever play on words?).  It's a really fun tradition with our neighbors, and the kids had a blast.  Nolan was obsessed with anyone that was remotely related to a superhero and he was also obsessed with his "girlfriend" (his words, not mine) Mia.  Good times, can't wait until next Halloween.  I already have Bennett's next costume planned out.  Nolan on the other hand I believe will be out of my control completely next year and will probably end up with some gross scary costume.  Boo.

Here are some pictures from the Block Party..

And finally a few pictures of Nolan hitting the pavement, gathering his goods….(In case you were wondering bottom left is a picture of Nolan's Superman pose, hands on the hip shouting up up and away!)

In case you missed it in the collage above I just wanted to point out this picture. That's right… a picture...with both my boys. Can you believe it?  I sure can't!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Clark Kent and His Little Scarecrow

Halloween post just in time for Thanksgiving…totally on top of things over here.

Obviously Nolan is big into Superheroes this year, but I'm not ready to get the store bought costume with the fake muscles just yet. So I decided to put a little spin on his costume, while I still can. All it took was a little brainwashing for a few weeks and he was PUMPED to be Clark Kent turning into Superman.  Bennett was a last minute random decision, not quite sure where the inspiration really came from to be honest.  Luckily I can come up with these off the wall ideas and Grandma can execute the costumes.  Sweet deal if you ask me...don't ask Grandma though.  Nolan affectionately referred to Bennett as "his little scarecrow", gosh he's cute (both of them).

Our neighborhood had some festivities the weekend before Halloween with a costume parade and trick or treating at the local businesses.  It was a beautiful day and a few friends came over to join in the fun...  

Clark Kent with some of his buddies…Vampire and DJ Lance Rock.  Apparently the suckers were a big hit!

I like to call this one…"Monkey See Monkey Do".  Is it me or does my kid look like a giant here?

After the neighborhood festivities we came back to our house for a little pumpkin carving fun.  Don't be fooled folks that is Lori actually carving her pumpkin.  I'm not saying she took the guts out, and I'm not saying she finished the pumpkin…but I am saying she had carving tools in her hand at some point during the night.  She also had wine in her hand though, hence not finishing the pumpkin!

Bennett waiting to get his pumpkin carved…if he only knew a few days later I would actually be putting him in said pumpkin for a picture ;)

The final masterpieces.  Whatever happened to a nice simple pumpkin with triangle eyes and a jagged mouth?  These were some fancy schmancy pumpkins.  Ours were of course the Superman and Batman pumpkins and the Woody and Buzz pumpkins belong to the Kirchhoff family.     

A few days later Chad did a Spiderman pumpkin as well so that we would have "The Justice League" for our front porch.  Don't tell Chad but I forgot to take a picture of that pumpkin.  However, I will say all the little neighborhood boys (including Nolan) thought the three pumpkins were pretty awesome.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Smelling the Roses

I remember when Nolan started hitting all of the milestones I would get really excited and start thinking about the next milestone.  He rolled over…when will he sit up?  He sat up…when will he crawl?  He crawled…when will he pull up?  You get the picture.  Well yesterday Bennett rolled over for the first time and I had a totally different reaction.  Don't get me wrong I am excited that he is developing, yada yada yada.  But part of me just wanted to block him.  This time around I know how fast they grow up and I know that if he's rolling today that means soon he'll be sitting up, and then he'll be crawling and then he'll start to pull up.  If he's doing all of these things then before I know it he won't be my little baby anymore and that makes me sad.  So what is the point of all my rambling today?  My point is that sometimes you just need to stop and smell the roses and take it all in before you blink and your kids are all grown up (insightful right?).  So today I'm just going to sit here and watch my little baby while he's still my little baby.

I attempted to take a video of Bennett rolling over, but all he did was sit there and stare at the camera and make some cute baby noises so that video will have to wait until he can roll on command I suppose.  I was told the other day though that no one wants to read a blog without pictures so I guess I'll add a random picture just so I don't piss off any readers! Here is a picture of Bennett from this past weekend, can anyone guess where we were?  The picture of Bennett in his car seat doesn't give it away?  I guess you'll have to come back to find out!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Newest Peanut

Poor Connor, he's less than 2 weeks old and I've already had my camera in his face twice!  He's going to hate me when he gets a little older, but for now he's a sweet sleeping little boy who doesn't seem to mind me or really even notice I'm there.

I visited Connor at his home yesterday so that we could catch him in his natural environment and snag a few pictures of his designer room.  When I say designer room this is an understatement as you will soon find out.  Connor is one lucky buckaroo ;)

Alright, first things first.  Here is a little collage of pictures I put together of things that I don't want Jessie and Kevin to ever forget about their little bundle of joy.  His floppy ears, wrinkly skin, little feet, glistening eyes and frankly just how small he actually was.

Just a few of my favorites from the session (in no particular order)…

Ahh, those blissful parents again.  Don't they just look happy?  It's like they are actually sleeping or something.

And here are some pictures of that designer room I talked about.  You'll see it's a little cowboy's dream, inclusive of a customized barn door!  Seriously is there anything this kid doesn't have?  Hopefully my kids never visit his room...they will feel very deprived.

See now when I titled this post "The Newest Peanut" I was foreshadowing.  Golly I'm clever.  This last picture is just to prove that I'm not the only one that dresses their kid in ridiculous costumes for Halloween! The picture on the left is how Connor really felt about his peanut costume, the one on the right is him calmed down after his mom bribed him with milk (not the last time bribery will be used to get her way I am sure).

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

I'm kind of behind on blog posts, so please excuse the fact that I'm just now posting pumpkin patch pictures.  At least I'm posting them right?

I'll apologize now for the fact the Bennett is once again asleep in his seat for all of these pictures.  Isn't there some sort of saying about not waking a sleeping baby?  Well if there isn't there should be. I justify the fact that we let him sleep through all of these adventures because I figure most kids his age aren't even going to these places yet.  Right?  Just nod your head and help me cope with my mom guilt please.

Here are the boys posing with pumpkins that we did not buy, merely props folks merely props.

Some pictures of Nolan just because he looked cute.

I thought this was pretty cool, a sandbox which was actually a cornbox I guess.  Is that even a word?  

On this particular day it was really cool to participate in all of the "stick your head in the hole" art.

I can't lie this year we hit the pumpkin patch lottery.  We've been to our fair share of pumpkin patches and I'm pretty sure this one blows them all away.  They had everything at this place…including the kitchen sink!  

And finally here is Bennett picking his pumpkin (use your imagination here) and Nolan picking his pumpkin (which basically meant Nolan picked up two tiny pumpkins as we walked out the door and I went to the store later and bought pumpkins suitable for carving…post on that to come!).

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