Friday, May 7, 2021

Santa Visit #2

Well, it happened.  I let all my crazy show, but it was for the sake of a Christmas Miracle so I feel like I can be excused...this time!  Our first visit with Santa this year was very ho hum and that was just not going to do.  So I called in a favor to the North Pole and requested a personal visit from Santa himself.  They obliged and we got a visit from Santa at our house!  We invited a few friends over to share in the fun as well.  Santa read us a book, he talked to each kid about their Christmas wishes, we ate some treats and then I did make the kids suffer through a photograph or two with the big guy.  Hey, it's all about compromise right?  You get to deliver your Christmas wishes directly to Santa...I get a picture to Cheris for years.  It was AMAZING and I can't wait to do it again next year :).

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