Friday, May 14, 2021

Christmas Part 1 & 2

 Just like everything else this year, Christmas looked a little different.  We actually didn't get to celebrate with Chad's side of the family at all (well, not until much later anyway) and we still haven't celebrated with my brother and his family.  But so goes 2020!  We DID however have a nice Christmas with my parents and then a great Christmas Morning at our house, so no worries...these kids are NOT DEPRIVED.  We had some pretty excited kids this year, as it was a big electronic year!  Nolan got his first cellphone and you'll see by the pictures that he AND his brother were surprised/excited!  Nolan also got AirPods, which I do believe Bennett thought was totally unnecessary (and by that I just mean he was jealous).  Don't feel sorry for Bennett though, he got a shiny new Chromebook and a whole desk set up for his room which he was VERY excited to get all set up.  And finally the princess got her very own "Everly's General Store".  That Santa, he sure does know how to make these kids happy!  The boys showed their appreciation by making (part of) breakfast.  They took care of the Monkey Bread, and it was delicious.  Maybe next year they will tackle the special eggs as well...maybe not.

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