Wednesday, June 20, 2018


One of our favorite days of the year...Trunk-or-Treat.  But this year it was FREEZING.  I'm talking Chad legit packed up our patio heater and brought it with us.  He is either a big baby himself, or he really loves his baby and didn't want the princess to be too cold.  You be the judge.  We all survived though, little Dorothy included.  The boys did get their fair share of candy, but really they were there to run around and play with their friends.  They stopped by every so often to show proof of life and to drop off loot.  The days of us walking them around to trick-or-treat are long gone.  Again I realized it's a good thing we hit the restart button.  Lucky for us we have about 13 more Trunk-or-Treats in our future!

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