Sunday, January 7, 2018

First Day of School (Kindergarten and 3rd Grade)

Another year, another first day of school on Bennett's birthday!  Right now he doesn't seem to mind it, actually enjoys it, but something tells me in years to come the novelty could wear off.  I wanted to get my annual back to school picture in and the boys threw me a bone and actually participated willingly this year.  We ran outside in the morning before school and knocked it out, and actually got some good ones!

 Then it was off to school for these two.  One, who will remain nameless, was too cool for school and wouldn't let us walk him to his class this year!  We had to part ways in the parking lot.  I guess Chad is just too embarrassing!  I mean he does look like a 15 year old in these pictures, so maybe it's a good thing he chose independence this year. 

Bennett however was stuck with us.  I was marching in that classroom no matter what he said!  I think every Mom "fears" the first day of Kindergarten (usually more than the kids do).  I didn't think too much about it for Bennett because he went to preschool at the same school, so really the only change was going across the hallway this year!  And I was right.  This was probably the most uneventful Kindergarten drop off in the history of Kindergarten drop offs!  He probably wishes he just left us in the parking lot like his brother.  He put his book bag away, found his name, sat his tush down and started coloring.  Hasn't looked back since.  Here's hoping we have an equally as uneventful year! 

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