Sunday, January 7, 2018

Bennett Turns 6!

The little man is not so little, he's 6!  This year he struggled with what he wanted to do for his birthday party.  Not because he couldn't come up with an idea, because he came up with MULTIPLE ideas.  We finally settled on a birthday party at a place that is like an American Ninja Warrior obstacle course, the real perk though is the fact that they do a capture the flag Nerf war at the end of the party.  I can't lie, the party was a major success.  I think all of the kids had a great time and were totally worn out (so the parent's liked it too).  We had a pretty eclectic crew this year.  A few cousins, a few friends from school, a few friends from the neighborhood and a few friends that are kids of our high school friends.  We are going to have to work on this invite list eventually, but for now...go big or go home!  You will note, there was a strict "no girl" policy this year.  He granted an exception for Moms, but apparently girls have cooties these days so we just had a lot of stinky boys running around.  I bet he changes his mind next year when his sister is around, something tells me he will want her at his party!



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