Sunday, October 30, 2016

Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day Weekend we ended up heading to the lake.  We spent a little time with family and a little time with friends, a perfect balance.  We did all the normal lake things and to be honest I didn't take very many pictures because I was starting to think all of my lake pictures were looking the same every year just with new swimming trunks.  Fast forward a couple of months however and now I realize that I missed some great opportunities because Chad's family recently sold the family lake house.  So this visit to that lake house was our last.  Lots of great memories in that house, we will surely miss going there.  But I have faith this family will continue on making memories at the lake just in different locations.  Chad thinks we need to buy a place at the lake now.  I'm not resistant to the idea because I don't love going because I do love it and the boys do too.  Maybe when we have the opportunity to go more than twice in one year he will have an easier time convincing me, but for now I'm pretty content just crashing everyone else's pads!  So if you're looking for some house guests just let us know :).

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