Monday, October 10, 2016

First Day of School (and some bonus footage)

Well the day had finally come, the first day of Pre-K 4 and 2nd grade.  We had some excited boys and some excited parents.  This marked the first time the boys would be at the same school for an extended period of time.  Did you hear me?  Do you know what this means?  1 Drop off..1 Pick up.  I think we might be in HEAVEN.

So Day 1 was ALL SMILES while we were at home and even when we got to school.  UNTIL we tried to walk out the door of the classroom.  Bennett was definitely that kid that was crying for his Mom.  And I was definitely that Mom that was fighting back the tears as I "just walked away" like we were instructed to at Open House.  The thing is at Open House I was thinking about all the other sappy Moms there and laughing to myself thinking there is no way they are "just walking away".  And here I was on stage all eyes on me and I had to do it.  I felt like a giant a-hole, but I did it.  Surely my ribbon is coming in the mail.

***Since I'm posting this about 2 months after school started I can report that Bennett is doing awesome.  Day 1 was tears, but by Day 2 he was hopping out of the car and walking himself to class.  I think he might be a little bit of a social butterfly but that's no different than at his last school.  Bennett has no problem making friends, and getting those teachers wrapped around his little finger.  God help us.  

I'm not very timely with anything these days, "first day of school" pictures included.  But I'm committed to my project of taking a picture with the old desk for every school year so I finally did a little photo-shoot with Nolan to document his "first day" of second grade.  Sure, it was about a month and a half late but I figure I got it in the first semester so it's a win.  You'll note that I didn't make Bennett partake, partly to be nice to him...partly to be nice to me.  I'll torture him for the next 12 years, he got this one off.

And a couple of outtakes, because these are Nolan's favorite where I let him "be creative"...

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