Sunday, November 22, 2015

New York Day 5

Day 5. Have I mentioned that this city is exhausting? By the time we got to Day 5 we were still trying to fit a few hot spots in but our feet were quickly giving out! First we headed down to Chelesea Market which is an enclosed food court/shopping mall.  I imagine this is what heaven looks like to a "foodie" type.  I was in it for the Crepe (which was delicious).  After the market we decided to head back to Times Square.  We had been to Times Square on our first night in New York but only briefly to get to our show and we were in a big rush.  I thought I needed to really take it in.  I did get to see a few street performers and get my picture taken with a few creepy characters, oh and the highlight...The Naked Cowboy!  But besides that Times Square is not my favorite area.  If crazy crowded is your thing, this would be your place.  For our final evening, we decided to take in the "Subway Series".  As it turns out the Mets were playing the Yankees so we went ahead and got our baseball on.  It was a great way to end our trip.    So this concludes our trip to NYC.  We had a great time and I'm so glad we picked New York as our destination, it is certainly a sight to see.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

New York Day 4

On Day 4 we took a water taxi over to Brooklyn and caught a glimpse of the Brooklyn Bridge and had a pizza at Grimaldi's.  Then we strolled the streets for a little bit where I couldn't help but take pictures of some of the doors/buildings.  Weird? Maybe, but they were cool so i'm sticking with my decision.  Then we caught the water taxi again so we could take a ride past Lady Liberty herself.  Turns out she looks just like she does in all the pictures you see, but of course I took a few of my own too.   For our entertainment on this evening we got tickets to the Comedy Cellar.  It's similar to a Funny Bone (for all you STL folk), pretty small venue etc.  There was a line up of 5 comedians all of which you have probably seen on a night show or comedy central at some point. But then as a "surprise" Ray Romano just walked in to do a set!  Apparently he lives in the area and just stopped in.  Pretty awesome!  We finished the evening with another slice at Joe's since we had found ourselves back in Greenwich Village.   Greenwich Village at night is much more happening and a little more on the alternative side I would say.  It definitely seems like a younger crowd, so Chad and I fit right in ;)!    The last picture on this post is one of my favorites, might be on my collage wall the next time you come to my house.  The guy looks THRILLED that I took his picture, but I just can't help but smile every time I look at it.  I mean who doesn't love a guy that plays the accordion?!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

New York Day 3

Day 3 brought us to Greenwich Village. This might have been my favorite area of NYC.  It truly was like a small town tucked inside the big city.  It was quaint and charming and really inviting.  We did go back to Greenwich Village later in the trip and it had a totally different vibe at night, but I'll get to that in another post.  So in Greenwich Village we had scheduled a Food Tour.  I know what you're all thinking.  I realize I'm not the most experimental eater but it sounded like fun and it was!  We walked around the neighborhood and sampled specialities from multiple different restaurants/delis and also got a little walking tour of the neighborhood while we were at it and learned all sorts of fun facts.  Lucky for me the tour started off just right with a stop at Joe's Pizza.  My first NYC Pizza, it only took me 3 days to get it!  After the tour we took a stroll on The High Line (an elevated public park built on an old freight rail line).  By this point we were exhausted and done walking so we popped into a little restaurant to grab a drink.  Well "a" drink turned into many drinks, especially once we made friends with the waitress and she made us her "VIP" table for the night which meant a few free drinks and free food!  Who said New Yorkers aren't friendly?  

Saturday, November 14, 2015

New York Day 2

Day 2 of New York was a day we had with absolutely nothing pre-planned.  We headed out to get lost in the Big Apple.  Along the way we did see Rockefeller Center and Radio City Music Hall.  I was hoping to catch a Jimmy Fallon taping, or at least catch a glimpse of him (like the stalker that I am) but no such luck.  We then headed to Central Park where we decided the best way to see the park would be via Rickshaw.  I mean why not?  Our tour guide was pretty awesome and pointed out all of the places where different movies were shot and shared all kinds of fun facts about the park.  It might have been a totally touristy thing to do but it was a pretty great way to see a large portion of the park in a couple of hours.  It also allowed us to get a few pictures together without having to give a random person on the street my camera and fear them running away with it!  That in itself was worth it to me!  A couple of the spots we saw were the Bow Bridge,  the Bethesda Fountain (featured in Home Alone), Strawberry Fields (memorial for John Lennon), the boat house and the towers from GhostBusters!  I even spotted the sidewalk from Big Daddy where they trip the guy on the rollerblades, I know I'm pretty amazing.  You could spend days in Central Park and not see everything I guarantee you that.  On our way back from the Park we stopped at Serendipity for some of their famous Frozen Hot Chocolate.  Delicious, worth every cent of the $10.50 price tag!   After our sugar high we rested up for a night out on the town.  We had dinner and then stopped by a Karaoke Bar near our hotel.  Neither of us got up to sing, but had a great time enjoying everyone else that was brave!  The last picture on this post is a view from our room of the NYC Skyline.  It really is incredible. 

Thursday, November 12, 2015

New York Day 1

For our 10 year anniversary we decided we should take a little trip.  Just us two lovebirds exploring New York City, romantic yes?  New York is a place both of us have always wanted to see and decided it was high time to check it off the bucket list.  We had a great time hitting some of the hot spots and also some of the gems off the beaten path.  I tried to schedule a few things before we left and then I also left plenty of time for just exploring.  And exploring is just what we did.  I'll tell you one thing about New's EXHAUSTING.  

So here is Day 1.  We took a SUPER early flight out so we were ready to go by like 10am in the big city.  We quickly got to familiarizing ourselves with the subway system (although I still can't say I'm an expert, but Chad probably can), took a stroll to Grand Central Station and were on our way!  First stop was lunch at the Shake Shack.  AMAZING. Then we strolled the streets for a bit and found the 911 Memorial, which I will tell you now the pictures don't do it justice.  Then we went to the 911 Museum as well.  I am not a museum/history person at all but I was really excited to go to this museum because this was a part of OUR history.  It's a really great museum, done very tastefully and it has things that appeal to every different type of learner.  There were audio tapes, video footage, artifacts on display and photography exhibits.  Definitely a must do if you ever visit.  From here we headed back to our hotel to get ready and then headed out for an evening on Broadway.  We went to the Lion King and it was spectacular.  Day 1 and we were off to a great start!  

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