Monday, August 10, 2015

Destin Family Pictures

What would a family vacation be without an attempt to take some family pictures right? Right.  This time I went super easy on my clan.  I promised 10 minutes and stuck to it.  I grabbed my friend Jessie on the way out the door (sucker) and we ran to the beach just before the rain started.  My timing with beach pictures is never that great, but we got in a few family pics so I was happy.  After Jessie so graciously dealt with my family I wanted to attempt some pics of the boys together etc, but my "10 minutes" was about up so I did what I could which wasn't much!  I'm really looking forward to the day that bribery actually works on my children.  Thank you Jessie for once again humoring me and coming along for the ride.  I'm so lucky that you share my passion for photography and are willing to deal with the craziness in order to get the perfect shot.  


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