Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Operation Teepee

Do you ever buy stuff for your kids and think "man that would make a great photo prop"?  Or maybe you buy something BECAUSE you think it will make a great photo prop and it just happens to be something your kids might enjoy too.  No, just me?  Do you also wait until your husband is out of town before you go attempt taking pictures with said photo prop as to not get made fun of?  No, just me again?

So I'm totally guilty of all of the above.  Ever since Bennett got this adorable teepee I have been dying to take his picture with it.  One random night on the way home from work I decided it was go time.  So I ran home grabbed kids, clothes and props and raced off to the park.  Operation teepee was underway and there was no turning back.  At one point I even joined in the fun (photo credit: Nolan).  Here were the results...

 (side note: Nolan had a VERY loose tooth on this particular evening that he really enjoyed showing off)

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