Sunday, October 5, 2014

Labor Day

We decided last minute to head down to the lake for Labor Day Weekend.  The weather was supposed to be less than desirable, and apparently we are fair weather fans when it comes to lake conditions.  But we decided to head down anyway and as it turns out it was a BEAUTIFUL weekend and we had an awesome time.  We spent some time with both my side of the family and Chad's side of the family so all was well with the world.  There was fishing, swimming, tubing, skiing, eating...and drinking.  Ahhh, the lake.  You just gotta love it!

Now would be the time for Grandma to look away!  Chad decided it was time for Bennett to experience his first tube ride and he also thought it would be a good idea for Nolan to try skiing.  One event was more successful than the other.  I'll let you all decide which...

Don't worry, there is still one Skiing Stud in the family...

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