Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Violet Turns 3

A special little lady turned 3 recently and standard procedure around here means a photo shoot was in order.  Ms. Violet did not disappoint, she came looking as beautiful as ever with her fingernails freshly painted and her headband neatly intact (until the second we were done with pictures that is).  Violet is the sweetest little girl and I love her dearly, as do my boys.  There might be a fight in years to come over who can hold her hand but for now Bennett has her heart.  MOST days they are best of buds often times declaring their "love" for each other.  Example...the other day I came home from the store and Bennett greeted me at the door to tell me that he brought Violet a purple popsicle because he loves her.  Anyone who knows Violet knows that purple is her absolute most favorite thing in the world so Bennett bringing her the purple popsicle was no coincidence.  He knows the way to her heart;)


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