Monday, July 14, 2014

Poo Poo Stinky

The other day I was walking behind Bennett and Violet.  I witnessed a conversation that made me realize just how young the boy/girl relationship develops.  Allow me to share...

Violet:  You got a boo boo Bennett?
Bennett: Yea, I fell down.
Violet:  I have a princess bandaid
Bennett: I don't have princess bandaids, I don't want princess bandaids.
Violet:  You funny Bennett (as she made goo goo eyes at him).
Bennett: You poo poo stinky Vi.

Isn't he precious?

Please note Violet is not poo poo stinky in the slightest.  Poo Poo is however Bennett's favorite phrase these days, so I'm going to believe that this was meant as a term of endearment.

Here's an oldie, but a goodie of the two of them.  Before she was poo poo stinky, obviously.

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