Wednesday, July 23, 2014

How You Play the Game

The day finally came, it was time for Nolan's first t-ball game!  But please do not make the same mistake I did and actually call it t-ball (unless you want to get beat up).  You see Nolan is playing a year or so up so he can be on his cousin's team and technically I guess this league could be called "coach pitch".  Apparently that is way cooler than t-ball?  Unless you don't hit the ball after the first three pitches, then it's not cool and you have to in fact use the t-ball stand.  It's all fun and games until that little stand comes out!  Thankfully at the first game Nolan did not have to use the stand and all was well with the world!  Want to know what else is not cool in Nolan's eyes?  The fact that you do not keep score at this age.  Apparently the phrase "It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game" means nothing to this five year old.  But who are we kidding, it doesn't mean much to his Mom either.  I suppose at the end of the year they will all get a trophy too.  Oh wait, that's true too.  Anyway, even though Nolan disagrees with some of the logistics of how this league works he still thinks it's awesome.  His eagerness to play sure makes it fun to watch, much better than his dirt kicking soccer days!

This next picture isn't the best picture in the world but I just adore how his cousin Reid (on the left) is cheering him on from the sidelines.  Tell me that's not adorable?

1 comment:

  1. 1. Reid is pretty awesome.
    2. Their picture together is adorable.
    3. Nolan should stop growing. He's like 6 inches taller than Reid.
    4. It was so hot that day.
    5. I have mixed feelings on the non competitive leagues. However, if those 2 boys were to lose every game, shit would certainly be hitting the fan, at least at my house.


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