Friday, June 13, 2014

Memorial Day

We actually went to the lake for Memorial Weekend this year, but I forgot my camera.  So you're stuck with just a few pictures from our day at the pool on Monday with the Barbagallos.  Don't worry, there are only a few and you'll understand why by the end of the post.  There I go with that exciting foreshadowing again.

Yep that's all the pictures.  Want to know why?  Sure you do.  Nolan got out of the water to eat lunch, so he came over to the chairs to grab a towel.  Problem is my camera was wrapped up in said towel as to "protect it".  Obviously that idea backfired when my camera went flying out of the towel on to the very very hard concrete floor.  And that was the end of that camera...and lens.  I'm mainly sharing this story as a sort of PSA: Do not wrap camera in towel and leave on chair at a child's reach.  
There I've done my part to help society.  Now off to the camera store ;).

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