Monday, August 15, 2011

How about Wednesday?

So tomorrow is the big day.  Stubborn Baby Brother has decided to not make an appearance on his own so my Doctor has decided to induce me.  I have mixed emotions about this little adventure, but end result should be a baby tomorrow sometime so that is exciting.

We were dropping Nolan off at my Mom and Dad's tonight and here is how the conversation went:

Me: So buddy, do you think we should meet Baby Brother tomorrow?
Nolan:  Ummmm, how about Wednesday?
Me:  How about tomorrow?
Nolan: How about Wednesday?
Me:  I sure hope not buddy.

Please note that Nolan has no idea what day of the week it is and also please note that tomorrow is Tuesday, so NO waiting until Wednesday is not an option in my book.  Unfortunately I feel like kids have a way of knowing things and this makes me wonder if this little induction process is going to take until Wednesday to produce this child!  For the first time in Nolan's short little life I really hope he is WRONG!

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