Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Brian + Kristin = Happily Ever After....Part I

You may be wondering why I haven't posted anything in a while, or you may have not even noticed! But today I am back from my sabbatical to share some pics.  A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of shooting a wedding and I vowed to not do anything else picture related until I went through and edited all of these pictures.  When you are dealing with like 800 pictures...this is no small task.  I typically like to wait until I'm done with all the editing and then pick a few of my favorites to share, but I have been "convinced" to share a few prematurely.  Ahhh the peer pressure.  So here is a small sneak peak, rest assured there will be more to come...hopefully by this weekend!

A little background:

This whole wedding was Awesome.  The wedding and the reception were at Neo on Locust, such a great space and a photographer's dream (great lighting...thank you Kristin!).  After the ceremony we hit a few downtown spots like the Stadium, The Arch and Forest Park (all pics you'll have to wait to see). 

It was a HOT day but this wedding party rocked and I didn't hear one complaint. I think they were too busy battling the heat with adult beverages...but whatever, no complaints!  Did I mention it was HOT?  The reception had a tinge of a baseball flare...again something you'll have to wait to see but I know you'll love.

Can you even take the suspense? Maybe I should consider writing novels, cliffhangers like this have got to be worth some moolah!  Enjoy!

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