Saturday, May 5, 2012

Up To Something

That Bennett.  He always looks like he is up to something, and usually something no good.  You know like playing in Cooper's water bowl or something.  This is the mischievous look I'm usually taking in, kind of like he's saying…"What?  I'm not doing anything wrong, I swear."

Not only do I have to worry about him falling down the stairs at this point, I also have to worry about what he is pulling himself up on and what he is going to bonk his head on next.  I swear this kid needs a bubble.  He's been pulling himself up on things on and off for a while but within the past week or two it has become a constant.  Save us a seat at the emergency room, we will surely be needing it.

1 comment:

  1. Of course he is pulling out a large gun from that toy bin! -Julia


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