Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Tradition Continues...

Well we all know Nolan is not a fan of the camera, but up until recently Bennett has really been indifferent about the camera constantly in his face.  HA!  Yesterday we hired a photographer to come take pictures of our family.  I know I know, I take one million pictures why torture the boys with more is probably what you are all wondering.  The problem you see is…I'm never in any of them.  When my kids grow up I would like them to know that I was in fact present in their lives.  Well the photographer came over and we headed out for our session and Bennett was NOT having it.  She was singing, chirping, clapping, jumping…and nothing.  It was like she did not even exist to Bennett.  So what did that earn Bennett?  That earned Bennett his own little session with Mama yesterday afternoon to try and crack a smile.  Punishment? Maybe.  Mission accomplished? Absolutely.  Now, did I struggle as well you ask?  Yep, and I'll share some of the outtakes too.  I've said it before and I'll say it again, that Bennett…he is special.

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