Friday, May 25, 2012

9 Months

Wow…I seriously can not believe I just typed that.  9 months, really?  Pretty soon this kid is going to be smashing his first birthday cake while his mom cries in the bathroom.  For now though we will celebrate his many milestones.  Bennett has certainly done some graduating since his six month pictures. He started out with a mean army crawl and now has graduated to a "big boy" crawl.  A REALLY REALLY REALLY loud big boy crawl.  He slams his hands down like no other, you definitely know where he is at all times that is for sure.  He is also pulling up like a maniac these days, which leads to a lot of head banging…but nothing too serious for now.  I refer to Bennett as my "spirited' child because he is just full of emotion….good and bad.  He is either happy happy or MAD.  He is quick to let you know what he wants/needs and has very little patience (gets that from his Dad) waiting for these demands.  That being said, he is a loveable little fellow who adores his brother, his dog and most of the time his parents.  He's big into toys these days and for now I would say the most intriguing thing to him is rolling and chasing balls around the house.  Exciting stuff!

I attempted his chalkboard picture and SHOCKER he wanted nothing to do with it.  So I took a few "normal" ones but then decided to show his milestones in action as well because this boy is ON THE MOVE!

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