Monday, May 21, 2012

Guilt Legos

This is how it went down….

Grandpa feels guilty for moving to Kansas City.
Grandpa takes Nolan to "The Target" (as Nolan refers to it).
Grandpa buys Nolan a set of THE SMALLEST LEGOS I have ever seen!

I mean seriously, I dare you to find a toy smaller than these (and yes if you are wondering these are smaller than our other choking hazards...Squinkies).  I realize the guys look like they are a "decent" size but let me assure you they are not!  Every last centimeter of them comes apart from their feet to their hair!  Next time I think we need to point Grandpa in the direction of the books or perhaps the hula hoops…something that won't get lodged in the throat of my nine month old!

I can't lie though, Nolan takes incredibly good care of these Legos.  He has a tupperware container that he keeps them all in and he only plays with them at the kitchen table because he tells me "Bennett is too small to play with them".  Apparently we have scared the poor kid to death!  Mission accomplished.

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