I tell you what it has been one of those weeks. One where I try to cram too much in, stretch the kids too thin and now I'm just plain tired. So this post is dedicated to moving past the bad and just letting it all go. So here it is...
Its okay that Bennett has that awful "hand, foot mouth disease" thing, even though I have secretly always associated it with dirty children.
Its okay that I kind of like it when Bennett is not feeling great because then he likes to cuddle.
Its okay that today at Target I wrote "next time perhaps you could park less like a Jackass" on a napkin to put on the car next to me (who totally parked like an idiot so I could not open any of my doors and had to climb through the car holding a baby in a car seat)…but then chickened out and didn't leave it because I realized that more often than not I am that idiot that parks horribly.
Its okay that I had to buy Nolan all new underwear today because in an awful laundry accident the other day I turned about 10 pairs of his underwear brown…and that's just gross.
Its okay that Nolan has not gotten a nap the past two days at school and has been a total terror for dinner every night. At least that means an early bedtime.
Its okay that my parents are moving to Kansas City and every time I see them lately I cry as I drive away (okay maybe the crying is okay, the moving…not so much).
Its okay that Chad and I have looked at about 30 houses in the past week and I find something wrong with each and every one of them.
Its okay to live with your parents when you are 31 years old! Even better when you are bringing a husband, two kids and a dog with you (dog might still be a negotiation).
Its okay that I check my phone every 10 minutes to see if I have a new picture of my nephew that I haven't meet in person yet only to get really irritated when I have no new messages.
Its okay that I look totally wasted in this picture, because…I was...and it was glorious...and I wish I was there right now.
And there you have it folks, in a nutshell everything will soon be okay because my Mom told me today "it will all work out" and Mom's don't lie...right?