Friday, February 24, 2012

Sunny Days Are Here Again

Yesterday it was GORGEOUS out, so we decided to head outside and play when we got home from work/school. Thank goodness we did because today I woke up and it's freezing with a chance of flurries! I'll never understand Missouri weather, never.

Here are a few shots of Nolan and his first chalk masterpiece of the year, and Bennett his little audience.

Then I decided I wanted to be in a few pictures on this beautiful day, but they never really turn out quite like I have it in my head.  My camera is extra heavy so it's pretty difficult to do the one-handed arm stretch, but I gave it the old college try.  They ended up looking like old photo booth pictures….

Finally a little video of Mr. B enjoying the bubble show Nolan was having for him.  This is right BEFORE I realized he had a 102 degree temperature.  Perhaps I should have had socks on him?

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