Monday, February 20, 2012

6 Months

Some people might wonder what I do with all my spare-time.  You know what I do, I piddle.  On all kinds of junk, mainly with pictures.  I swear if I put half the energy into say...working out as I do piddling with pictures I would give Jillian from "The Biggest Loser" a run for her money.  Example: I went to a party Saturday night and they had a slideshow playing, I found out what program they used and IMMEDIATELY needed to test it out.  Lucky for me I have a child that turned 6 months old this week so I thought that milestone would be a perfect opportunity to do a trial run.  

It's official, Bennett is growing up WAY too fast.  I can't even believe I just typed 6 months, how did that happen?  Well even if he is growing up too fast, I've decided he's a keeper.  He's a jolly little fellow for the most part and he has stolen the hearts of everyone in this family I can guarantee you that.  I mean look at him, how could you not love those chubby cheeks?


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