Tuesday, February 28, 2012

He Picked Me

Tonight Nolan fell into the door and bonked his head (a regular occurrence really as he is a tad bit clumsy).  Chad was already standing there so he went to help him and I hear Nolan's little voice say "I want Mama".  I was doing dishes (yep that's right, not even fibbing this time) and I IMMEDIATELY dropped them and ran to be his hero.  Chad was standing there doing nothing and Nolan still picked ME!  I know it doesn't sound like much, but to me it means a lot.  Nolan is a Daddy's boy through and through, so it makes my heart melt when he actually chooses me over Chad.  I realize this sounds awful, but I assure you Chad is just fine.  He is the chosen one most of the time so I know undoubtedly that he is perfectly content with the fact that I am basking in the glory of Nolan picking me over him tonight.  (I'm gaining points rapidly these days because Nolan now figured out there's a DVD player in Mom's new car...I have instantly become cooler)  Watch out Chad!

This called for a celebration….a little Photo Booth action on the computer for Nolan and his favorite parent (his favorite for at least 5 minutes tonight anyway).

If you are feeling bad for Chad right now I'll tell you a little story to clear that up.  Last night Chad wasn't home at bedtime.  So when we were going to lay down Nolan got tears in his eyes and his little lip was hanging out as he said "I'm sad, I want Daddy to tuck me in".  I told him I was sorry and that Dad would wake him up when he got home.  He countered with "You know what would make me happy?  Books, books make me happy."  He was totally playing me, but it worked.  Two books it was for Mr. Nolan, gotta give it to the kid for his acting skills.  Tears and all, impressive I tell you.

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