Thursday, February 2, 2012

Get Married or Something?

I went to pick up Nolan from school yesterday and he was sitting at the back table with two little girls playing guys (a ladies man already, yikes).  In the beginning when I would go pick him up from school he would be sitting at a table by himself, so I'm happy that he at least has some buddies at this point.  I was also impressed that the girls were playing "guys" (superheroes, transformers etc) instead of playing with the large container of Barbies also available to them.  Anyway, so I walk up to the table and here is my conversation with Nolan....

Nolan:  (holding his two guys: Spider Man and some unknown Superhero) Um, I guess they are supposed to get married or something?

Me:  Oh they are?

Nolan: (looking at me with the most quizzical look possible) I guess...that's what those grills (Nolan's way of saying Girl) said.

Me:  Hmmm, that's interesting.  Ready to go?

Nolan: Um, yes.

I guess that's what you get when you play Superheroes with girls...instead of wrestling and have weddings and love stories.  I'll be interested to see if he's sitting at the same table today ;)

But let's be honest, Nolan does love his Superheroes so it might take more than a little wedding talk to scare this dude away!


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