Thursday, September 17, 2020

Bye Bye Binkie...Hello Water Table

Little Miss was pretty attached to her binkie.  I mean, we did get her down to just having it at bedtime but let's be real who wants to take away the magical thing that makes your kid like to go to bed?  Not this girl that's for sure.  Buttttt I promised the Dr I would take it away by the time she was 2.5 and guess what?  I lied.  But it was time.  Enter...good old fashioned bribery.  Give up binkie, get a large plastic toy.  Everyone wins!!  Honestly it was that simple.  She whined one night, we told her it was gone and that was that.  So here she is reaping the benefits of her new found independence, and her new status as "Big Girl". She obviously ended the night as a princess because well...she's a princess.


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