Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Tutus and Buggies

 Everyone who knows me knows that I can be a "little" particular about what my kids wear.  I've got much more relaxed ( I have) when it comes to the boys, they wore me down, but Little Miss I still like her to look cute and GASP...match.  BUT...there is one exception to this rule.  Costumes.  I LOVE COSTUMES.  There is nothing cuter than a little boy in a superhero costume, or a little girl in a princess dress.  Our vice versa really.  So anytime the kids want to wear anything dress up related, I'm all in.  On any given day you can find us walking the neighborhood in some sort of get up.  On this particular day I decided to document it.  It was chilly so you can't see all of the awesomeness, but that little tutu was going strong that day and she thought she was hot stuff!

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