Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Play-Doh Adventures

I have a real love/hate relationship with Play-Doh.  I love to play with it, but I have a REAL control issue.  And you know who is not good with respecting the Play-Doh?  One year olds.  I realize this all sounds crazy, over 88 cent tubs of Play-Doh but it PAINS me to see kids mix the colors.  Is anyone with me here?  It's okay if I'm alone in my craziness, at least I can admit it.  Anyway, the day had come it was time to introduce Miss Everly to Play-Doh.  She loved it. And so did I, but mainly because I only gave her one color so she couldn't mess anything up!  Maybe when she's 2...or 12, I'll give her a second color.


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