Tuesday, March 31, 2020


Oh Easter Easter Easter. I love you so.  We had a VERY busy Easter planned this year, but all fun stuff so I will not be complaining.  We started out with the traditional Easter Egg hunt.  This year Everly was totally into it and understood just what she needed to do.  Although, once she figured out there were peanut butter cups in some of the eggs...it was all over.  She needed to check each egg as she went.  She was not interested in the eggs with money in them (silly girl), so the boys were QUICK to trade her for those ones (smart ones).  I think they all got their fair share of the goods though and we will be eating Easter candy until Halloween...or Christmas.

Now on to the second part of our day...the Cardinals game!  I mean what better way to celebrate Jesus?  We went with my parents and my brother and his family and it was lovely.  Little warm, but lovely. And the kids all got Build-A-Bear Bunnies so we were totally in the Easter spirit!

And finally the third and final part of our day.  Celebrating with the extended family.  I mean look at this gaggle of kids, and it just keeps growing!  Sorry my kids look like a complete mess and are not in their Easter best like all the other cuties, but it was a loooooooooong day and we are doing the best we can here!

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