Saturday, July 15, 2017

Another Adventure...

I had asked Bennett numerous times about different activities he could partake in.  I offered up baseball, basketball, playing an instrument.  You name it, I offered it.  I DID NOT offer Hockey.  Don't get me wrong, I love watching hockey but hockey is not a convenient sport to play.  They have awful practice times and it seems like there is a lot of traveling in order to play.  Yep, I was self-admittedly being a scrooge.  Well somehow Bennett got it in his head that he wanted to try Hockey.  He asked me once to sign him up and in true Mom fashion I ignored him.  But he was persistent and kept asking so eventually his nice Dad signed him up for a "learn to skate" session.  As it turns out learning to ice skate is tough business.  After week 2 I think he was ready to give up, but he carried on and by the end of it he was pushing his little support device away and skating to it!  This was BIG PROGRESS and we couldn't be more proud.  Mainly we were proud that he stuck with it when it wasn't easy, not a trait that runs strong in this family! The session is over now and I'm not sure what our future in hockey will be, but he sure looked cute in the gear...

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